Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Ansel Adams

The Negative

Little, Brown and Company, 2009
Страниц: 274
Формат: 190x240
Ansel Adams produced some of this century's truly memorable photographic images and helped nurture the art of photography through his creative innovations and peerless technical mastery. The Negative-the second volume in Adams' celebrated series of books on photographic techniques-has taught generations of photographers how to use film and the film development process creatively. This handbook distills the knowledge gained through a lifetime in photography and remains as vital today as when it was first published. Anchored by a detailed discussion of Adams' Zone System and his seminal concept of visualization, The Negative covers artificial and natural light, film and exposure, and darkroom equipment and techniques. Numerous examples of Adams' work clarify the principles discussed. Beautifully illustrated with photographs by Adams as well as instructive line drawings, this classic manual can dramatically improve your photography.

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