Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Alastair Dougall

James Bond: The Secret World of 007

Дорлинг Киндерсли, 2011
Страниц: 176
Формат: 250x300
Bond is back - new paperback edition of this thrill-packed dossier on the world's most famous spy. Become an expert on the extraordinary career of 007 with "James Bond the Secret World of 007" and get the inside scoop on his missions, from defeating the power-mad schemes of Dr No to the mysteries of Casino Royale and go behind the scenes of his latest movie, "Quantum of Solace" through unseen photography. Starting with a foreword penned by M herself, uncover the world of Bond, the world's most famous secret agent. Spectacular photographs reveal the secrets of many of Bond's amazing gadgets, racy vehicles and racier eye-candy. This title explores the lairs of the supervillains he has defeated and follows bullet-by-blow accounts of some of his most death-defying chases and battles. It investigates 007's distinctive style, his complicated love life and relationships with other members of M16 from M to Q and Miss Moneypenny. "James Bond the Secret World of 007" is a thrill-a-page 007...

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