Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Brian Horton

Associated Press Guide to Photojournalism

McGraw-Hill, 2001
Страниц: 224
Формат: 185x230
Noted AP photographer and photo editor Brian Horton takes you beyond the basics of lenses and exposure times to offer a rare, insider's perspective on the art and craft of photojournalism. While he does provide useful instruction on technical considerations such as picking the right angle and lighting a situation, his main concern is with the less tangible, wholly indispensable elements of content, style, and the creative process. Using more than 200 photographs from the AP archives to illustrate his points, Horton analyzes what constitutes great news photos of every type, including portraits, tableaus, sports shots, battlefield scenes, and more. He offers unique insights into composition and style, along with invaluable advice on how to develop a style of your own. And, in a chapter new to this edition, he explores the pros and cons of digital photography and the latest changes in digital processing. In writing The Associated Press Guide to Photojournalism, Brian Horton...
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История и теория фотографии

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