Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Maarten Vanvolsem

The Art of Strip Photography: Making Still Images with a Moving Camera (Lieven Gevaert)

Страниц: 76
Photographic images can, apart from their capacity to show, convey an experience, a quality that has seldom been recognized. In this book the artist and photographer Maarten Vanvolsem explains how the strip technique can tell a different story of time and space in photographic images, a storythat leads to new expressions and experiences of time and movement. The strip technique itself seems to be neglected in the debate on time and photography, although it has a long history-from Muybridge to the photo booth. its use is widespread and, especially in recent years, more and moreartists have rediscovered the technique.Based on an historical overview, a knowledge and understanding of the technique, and experiments with the building of cameras, this book will propose a new use of this forgotten art: a use in which the temporal terms 'speed,' 'rhythm,' and 'pace' are of more value than terms so often associatedwith photography such as 'freeze,' 'split second,' or 'capture.' Within the book...

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