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David D. Busch

David Busch's Canon EOS 5D Mark II Guide to Digital SLR Photography

Course Technology PTR, 2010
Страниц: 400
"David Busch's Canon EOS 5D Mark II Guide to Digital SLR Photography" is perfect for those new to digital photography or those who just want to make sure they get the most out of their Canon EOS 5D Mark II. The book is a complete guide to this digital SLR camera, including how to utilize the amazing 21 megapixels of resolution, enhanced high-ISO performance, and many other features unique to the 5D Mark II. After the introductory chapters designed to create familiarity with the camera, the book delves into various shooting situations and recommendations on how to get the best possible shots with full-color photos to illustrate each. Readers will discover a wealth of tips and information not found in the user's manual, so new users and pros alike will find "David Busch's Canon EOS 5D Mark II Guide to Digital SLR Photography" an indispensable tool for achieving the best possible photographs.

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