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Elliott Erwitt

Elliott Erwitt's Paris

teNeues, 2010
Страниц: 176
Yes, we'll always have Paris and who better to capture all its moods than the inimitable Elliott Erwitt? With a keen eye for the real city, Erwitt sees beyond the tourist cliches. Whether the mightiest of monuments or the charm of la vie quotidienne this master photographer chronicles it all. Alternating intimate details with grand vistas, Erwitt captures the true flavor of la metropole. Born in Paris in 1928, Elliott Erwitt arrived in the U.S. in the late 1930s. Establishing himself in the '40s and '50s as a leading magazine photographer, he joined the prestigious Magnum agency in 1953. In addition to his work in magazines, he achieved great success as an advertising photographer and filmmaker. He currently lives in New York City-but spends a great deal of time in Paris.

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