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Peter Dettling

The Will of the Land (Conservation of the Environmen)

Страниц: 176
Peter Dettling first visited Canada s internationally renowned Rocky Mountains national parks as a Swiss tourist in 1993. Immediately, he fell in love with the untouched wilderness, breathtaking landscapes, diverse flora and abundant animal life, all seemingly free from human intervention and manipulation. With wide-eyed exuberance, Dettling moved to the heart of the Canadian Rockies in 2003, working as an artist and nature photographer. For years he documented the beauty and splendour of life in the mountains of western Canada, selling his art and photography to countless tourists and locals. In time, however, he gained insight into the realities of nature s growing struggle against developing tourism, ill-conceived transportation routes and questionable wildlife management practices. Through Dettling s stunning photography and passionate narrative,A?A The Will of the LandA?A serves as an incredible artistic testament to the beauty of the natural world and the sometimes painful truth...
Категории каталога:
Природа; Фотоэссе; Флора и фауна

Фотокина-2012: встречайте новый Canon EOS 6D

Фотографы в русском Твиттере
Идея составить список фотографов в русском Твиттере у авторов FotoTips.ru появилась уже давно. Но мы долго думали, в каком виде лучше сделать такую подборку – обычная таблица “Имя/Ссылка” смотрится уныло и ужасно скучно. Поэтому мы решили просто поставить виджеты, которые отображают аватару, имя и последнюю, на данный момент, запись каждого фотографа в Твиттере. Вообщем все [...]

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