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Anne Butler

Louisiana Hwy. 1

Страниц: 206
From the dark, rich, cypress-shaded bayousides to the red dirt hills and piney woods along the way, Louisiana Hwy. 1 takes travelers 436 miles from Grand Isle and the Gulf of Mexico to the Ark-La-Tex border northwest of bustling Shreveport. Author Anne Butler and photographer Henry Cancienne serve as tour guides as they introduce the communities LA 1 crosses, which represent almost every culture that has spiced up Louisiana s gumbo heritage and history. Divided into five sections, Down the Bayou, Capital, Portal to the Hill Country, Creole Country, and Shreveport, Louisiana Hwy. 1 showcases the incredible variety of terrain and cultures within the Pelican State, from the energy and seafood industries of Cajun country, through the capital region around Baton Rouge, to the pecan orchards and piney hills of the Kisatchie National Forest area, through the unique Creole culture of Cane River/Natchitoches and Louisiana's earliest historic settlements, on up to the northwestern commercial...

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