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Mick Gidley

Photography and the USA (Reaktion Books - Exposures)

Страниц: 184
From Ansel Adams to Carlton Watkins, Diane Arbus to Weegee, Berenice Abbott to James Van Der Zee, American photographers have recorded their vast and diverse nation in images that have come to define American identity, both within the country and in the worlda??s eye. In Photography and the USA, Mick Gidley asks how and why photography has been such a significant force in shaping American culture. Featuring approximately one hundred iconic and lesser-known images, Photography and the USA encompasses the major movements, artists, and works that are crucial to understanding American photography. Focusing on works that reveal the many different facets of America, its landscapes and its people, Gidley explores the ambiguities of American history and culture. Gidleya??s unique analysis juxtaposes images such as an anti-lynching demonstration in 1934 with Dorothea Langea??s poster a??All races serve the crops in California,a?? and an image of a fireman in the San Francisco earthquake of...

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