Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Maria Antonella Pelizzari

Photography and Italy (Reaktion Books - Exposures)

Страниц: 192
In this beautifully illustrated book Maria Antonella Pelizzari traces the history of photography in Italy from its beginnings to the present as she guides us through the history of Italy and its ancient sites and Renaissance landmarks. Pelizzari specifically considers the role of photography in the formation of Italian national identity during times of political struggle, such as the lead up to Unification in 1860, and later in the nationalist wars of Mussolinia??s regime. While many Italians and foreignersa?? such as Fratelli Alinari or Carlo Ponti, John Ruskin or Kit Talbota??focused their lenses on architectural masterpieces, others documented the changing times and political heroes, creating icons of figures such as Garibaldi and the brigands. Pelizzaria??s exploration of Italian visual traditions also includes the photographic collages of Bruno Munari, the neorealist work of photographers such as Franco Pinna, the bold stylized compositions of Mario Giacomelli, and the...

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