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Lloyd Ziff

Near North

Страниц: 56
Near North is a thought provoking collection of Black and White photographs of Alaska and the Yukon. This edition is printed in rich duotones that showcase a unique force in contemporary photography. The introduction by Veronique Vienne illuminates the meaning of Lloyd Ziff's luminous vision. When Lloyd Ziff went to Alaska and the Yukon in 2002, he was not prepared for the vastness of the landscape. As a prominent Art Director he had mastered the art of showcasing big pictures on comparatively small pages, and was now confronted with endless vistas that eluded his sense of scale. Yet, strangely enough, these immense panoramas, because of their ambiguous depth of field, looked almost flat to him. Seldom had a scenery been so picturesque indeed so graphically evocative. He approached the task of recording what he saw as if perspective had not been invented yet. He decided to simply frame a view and turn it into a two-dimensional icon. Ziff s choice to shoot in black and white rather...

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