Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Stephen Azzato

Their Love of Music

Страниц: 252
In Their Love of Music photographer Steve Azzato has captured the essence of the creative spirit in the faces and words of the musicians themselves. Featuring portraits of one-hundred seventeen artists, the book takes a slightly different approach to music photography than typically seen. Steve was able to sit with a wide range of musicians and explore what drew them to their art. He was able to hear it in their voices and record it visually in his images. In the simple quiet of a green room, without the crowds or bandmates or tour managers, Azzato s photographs transcend the chaos of the stage and the intensity of the studio to reveal the inner spirit that drives each of his subjects. From grizzled veterans to kids just starting out, folks who play stadium shows to unpaid openers in small clubs, jazz to blues to rock to roots...what unites them all is in fact, their love of music. He has assembled a collection that is unrivaled in its intimacy and expression. When photographer...
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Портреты; Фотоэссе

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