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Brett Florens

Brett Florens' Guide to Photographing Weddings

Страниц: 128
With fashion-inspired images and discussions on the techniques used to create them, this sensational handbook guides both serious amateurs and professional photographers through the rigors of running a successful wedding-photography business. Couples today allocate larger portions of their wedding budgets toward saving the memories of their day on film, and breaking into this business as a photographer can seem like a daunting task, but this manual helps photographers navigate the entire process. From acquiring the fundamental tools of the trade and scouting out shots to album design and postproduction tasks such as image editing, enlargement, mounting, and closing the sale, this guide offers the inspiration needed to grow profits, earn recognition, and continue to develop as an artist.About The Author:Brett Florens is a professional wedding, commercial, and fashion photographer and has been recognized by Nikon as one of the worlds most influential photographers.

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