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Rod Deutschmann, Robin Deutschmann

Just One Flash: A Practical Approach to Lighting for Digital Photography

Страниц: 128
Filled with tips for producing paramount effects using a single flash, this guide shows amateur and professional photographers how to lighten their gear load and free up their budget. With an in-depth look at equipment and special features, this manual covers essential topics such as shooting in RAW format, manual versus automatic, selecting the right ISO setting, the effect of aperture, using the flashs zoom feature, changing the angle of the flash, and wireless triggering. Also including creativity-enhancing exercises and approaches, this guide gives examples of creative lighting applications for still life, editorial images, wedding shots, and landscape photos.About the Author:Rod Deutschmann is a photographer and a photography instructor in the San Diego public school system. He is an award-winning marine-combat correspondent and the managing editor for the Camp Pendelton Scout, the award-winning Marine Corps newspaper. Robin Deutschmann is a photographer. They are the cofounders...

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