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Unseen Ansel Adams

Страниц: 180
During his prolific 60-year career, the godfather of American photography captured iconic images for the Sierra Club and National Park Service, wrote best-selling books, campaigned for the environment, and even took President Jimmy Cartera??s official White House portrait. Even so, these make up only a portion of Ansel Adamsa??s portfolio. These rare photographs in The Unseen Ansel Adams come from the celebrated collection of the University of California. During the 1960s, Adams spent time chronicling the universitya??s campuses, including images of Berkeleya??s majestic campanile, Santa Cruza??s ferny forests, Santa Barbaraa??s pristine coastline, and UCLAa??s stern chancellor. Photography aficionados will certainly appreciate this fresh look at a mastera??s lesser-known work. Spreads feature beautiful black-and-white photographs that are rich in detail and texture, showcasing Adamsa??s unmistakable style. Though best known for his photographs of nature, Ansel Adams saw beauty in...

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