Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Bruce Forster

Above Portland

Страниц: 144
Through the stunning aerial photography of Bruce Forster, Above Portland offers a unique and beautiful perspective on the picturesque region of Portland, Oregon and its surrounding areas. Flying high and low, the images take the reader on a memorable journey over all that the Portland region has to offer - the bustling downtown and its world-renowned green architecture, the romantic Columbia and Willamette Rivers, the charming neighborhoods, the internationally admired transportation system, wine country, and mountains all of which come alive when viewed from above. Along with the dramatic aerial photography, Above Portland features six topical essays written by local historians and experts essays on the history, architecture, urban planning, transportation and sustainability of Portland. Woven together with the breathtaking photography, these essays form a collaborative local voice, paying tribute to Portland and illuminating the many reasons it is a model for cities around the...
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Города. Страны

Характеристики и дата анонса полнокадровой беззеркалки Canon
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Характеристики Fujifilm GFX 50R появились в сети
The post Характеристики Fujifilm GFX 50R появились в сети appeared first on Fototips.ru.

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