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Eyewitness Decade

Страниц: 232
The Guardian is famous for its illustrated "Eyewitness" center spreads, which cast a sideways look at the news and reveal telling details or unexpected consequences of the day's events. Now, for the first time, they have gathered together a selection of these photographs to tell the story of the first decade of the 21st century, from the the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk and George W. Bush's contested election in 2000, through 9/11, 7/7, conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, and Sudan, and on to the unveiling of the Large Hadron Collider and Obama's inauguration. The 2000s may be remembered as a turbulent decade punctuated by terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and financial meltdown, but what The Eyewitness Book of the Decade shows is that even in troubling times, moments of hope and humor shine through.

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