Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Roger Hicks, Frances Schultz, Steve Luck

Lighting the Nude, Revised Edition: Top Photographers Reveal Their Secrets

Страниц: 384
Learn the Lighting Secrets of Today’s Top Photographers One of the most enduring images in art and photography, the nude continues to inspire photographers of all levels to explore the nuances of lighting. Now updated for the digital age, with more than 70 all-new images and lighting diagrams, Lighting the Nude, Revised Edition offers a behind-the-scenes look at how today’s top photographers sculpt light across the human form to create stunning, unforgettable images. Inside you’ll find: • Lighting and posing setups for more than 140 nudes. • A wide range of styles, from classical to fantasy, romantic to erotic. • Camera settings, tips, and techniques straight from the photographers. • A comlete introduction to gear, along with tips for working with models.

Зеркальный фотоаппарат - Ex s500
La Crisis EconЈmica Es Una Gran Estafa La Historia Paralela27.03.09 - La Crisis EconЈmica Es Una Gran EstafaLa Historia ParalelaHace tres aЎos, una persona de mi familia que vivќa en el extranjero, me contЈ que pensaba comprar una casa por algo asќ como u$s500.000, con un pr™stamo a 30 aЎos pagadero en 0“Јmodas0ђcuotas con un inter™s bajќsimo. Le ...

Зеркальный фотоаппарат - Eos 350d kit
Canon EOS 350D + KIT 18-55 II + KARTA 1GB - TANIO22.01.09 - Zoom Przedmiotem aukcji jest Canon 350D z kitowym obiektywem i kartµ pamiЙci. Aparat u,ywany amatorsko w warunkach domowych do zdjЙ· rodzinnych, oraz w

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