Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Fred Ritchin

In Our Own Image (Aperture Ideas: Writers and Artists on Photography)

Страниц: 144
Twenty years ago, before the era of digital cameras, cell phones and the internet, Fred Ritchin outlined many of the ways in which the digital age would transform society. In Our Own Image was the first book to address the coming revolution in photography, and asked pointed questions that are increasingly relevant today, including whether democracy can survive the media's facile use of digital means. By the time a second edition was published in 1999, many of Ritchin's predictions had come true. Computer embellishment of imagery had become a staple in the media and had significantly diminished photography's role as a credible witness: Newsday had published the first "future" news photograph of two feuding ice skaters as they would meet the next day, and on its cover, Time magazine darkened and blurred an image of O.J. Simpson in order to lift "a common police mug shot to the level of art, with no sacrifice to truth." Now Aperture reissues this seminal text, which has continued to...
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Что такое RAW?
Запись изображений в формате JPEG имеет свои плюсы: это и экономия места на карте памяти, и возможность быстрой обработки конечных файлов. Тем не менее, профессионалы обычно предпочитают формат TIFF, сохраняющий графическую информацию без потери качества. В отличие от JPEG, данный формат не злоупотребляет сжатием, хотя, как будет показано дальше, определенная степень интерполяции присутствует даже в [...]

Что нужно знать, заказывая пластиковые окна?
Кoгдa рeчь зaxoдит oб устaнoвкe oкoн, мнoгиe oбрaщaют внимaниe нa сoврeмeнныe плaстикoвыe oкнa. Этo нeудивитeльнo,…

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