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Julia L. Foulkes

To The City: Urban Photographs of the New Deal (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy)

Страниц: 144
In the 1930s and 1940s, as the United States moved from a rural to an urban nation, the pull of the city was irrepressible. It was so strong that even a photographic mission designed to record the essence of rural America could not help but capture the energy of urbanization too.A To the CityA showcases over 100 photographs from the Farm Security Administration (FSA) project along with extracts from the Works Progress Administration (WPA) guidebooks and oral histories, to convey the detail and dimensions of that transformation. This artfully grouped collection of photographs includes magnificent images by notable photographers Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans and Gordon Parks, among many others. Foulkes organizes this history of Americana into five themes: Intersection; Traffic; High Life and Low Life; The City in the Country; and Citizens to illuminate the changes in habits, landscapes, and aspirations that the march to cities encompassed. As the rural past holds symbolic sway and the...
Категории каталога:
Города. Страны; Фотоэссе

Вода и скалы
Этот видеоролик снят на Южном острове Новой Зеландии 0самом большом острове одноименного государства. Хрустально чистая вода озер, в которых отражаются горные вершины, создают неповторимое впечатление единения воды и камня. Особенно подкупает внимание операторов к мельчайшим деталям пейзажей: птицам, обитателям здешних мест, и многолетним творениям природы 0камешкам, отполированным водой. А запуск воздушного шара и [...]

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