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Raynal Pellicer

Photobooth: The Art of the Automatic Portrait

Страниц: 288
Since its introduction to the public in September of 1926 on a street corner in New York City, the automatic photobooth has captured the interest of the general public and fine artists alike. Raynal Pellicer, author of Mug Shots, examines the self-portraitsa??sometimes practical, sometimes whimsicala??produced by this enduring 20th-century novelty. A The countless documents included here feature shots of Francis Bacon, Billy Childish, Allen Ginsberg, John F. Kennedy, Anne Frank, Salvador DalA­, AndrA© Breton, Wim Wenders, Walker Evans, and John Lennon, among others. Photobooth draws a fantastic inventory of artistic variations on the snapshot, bringing together works of art and self-portraits of persons both known and unknown, from the 1920s to the present.

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