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Conrad White

Surprising Architecture: Ibiza - Conrad White

Страниц: 280
Ibiza has been always an island with a special fame. The first Ibicencans came from Lebanon, and, as historytells us, they were followed by the Romans, Vikings, and the Arabs. Even in the Greek mythology there are writings about locations with a more than coincidental characteristic like Ibiza. And until now Ibiza never lost any of its magic, the curiosity is still worldwide there. An unknown variation of styles is hidden all over the island, authentic Ibicencan style,Norwegian style, Mexican style, Arabian style, Greek style... you name it. The main theme in this fabolous book is to give people an inside view inside of the surprisingdream-houses on Ibiza, the enormous variety of architectural styles on the island or, better said, Surprising Architecture on Ibiza. The camera is my brush, and the light are my colors. - Conrad White
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Города. Страны

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