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Moose Peterson

Captured: Lessons from Behind the Lens of a Legendary Wildlife Photographer (Voices That Matter)

Страниц: 312
Captured: Behind the Lens of a Legendary Wildlife Photographer is an inspiring and riveting narrative combined with the how-to nuts and bolts of legendary wilderness photographer Moose Peterson's personal photographic approach and process. Moose describes his love affair with the wilderness and the camera like any other, it took time for it to grow and become what is is today. Photography must be more than f/stops and shutter speeds, yet that's where one must begin. Yet, it's hard to think of those technical aspects while right in front of you is a Grizzly Bear with cubs. Or when you turn a corner in Yellowstone and there in front of you is a pack of Wolves going about their business, ignoring your existence. Or when you simply look out the window of your own home and smile at the simple delights the birds in your feeder bring. This is the romantic side of photography that Moose explores and will instill in you while reading this book. When it's coupled with the camera techniques...

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