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Syl Arena

Speedliter's Handbook: Learning to Craft Light with Canon Speedlites

Peachpit Press, 2010
Страниц: 432
For anyone new to flash photography or who has had a frustrating start with it Speedliter's Handbook is a fantastic in-depth resource. Packed with information presented in a clear and approachable how-to format, this book walksreaders through everything from the basics of light to advanced setups using Canon speedlites. Syl Arena starts out familiarizing the reader with how light works and covers all the key concepts, terminology, and equipment that will serve as a foundationbefore jumping in. Syl then moves into all the ways speedlites can be used both on and off camera to create the best light for any given situation, whether thatbe portraits, wedding, sports, or macro-photography. Speedliter's Handbook covers both manual and E-TTL flash; high-speed sync; stroboscopic flash; set-upsthat use from one to a dozen flashes; and much more. By the end of the book, thereader will have a newfound knowledge of light and will be confident with her ability to craft that light with Canon...

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