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Michael Freeman

The DSLR Field Guide

Страниц: 256
With the advent of bigger and better cameras at increasingly reasonable prices, more and more amateurs are upgrading their equipment to fancy DSLRs. Without the proper knowledge of how to work those cameras, though, the resulting images won't be much better than what you'd get from the average point-and-shoot. Though Michael Freeman has decades of professional experience, he is also a true teacher and in this handy little guide for novice photographers, he breaks down his know-how of all things DSLR into language that even the most beginner photographer can understand. Topics covered include equipment and lenses to post-production, and everything in between. Sample pictures from The DSLR Field Guide The city of Cartagena, Colombia, as night falls.The tripod was set up before sunset. As darkness fell and the streetlights and floodlights were switched on, there was time to anticipate the pattern of brightness. Michael Freeman wanted a rich blue to...

Gorilla Nation будет отвечать за рекламную политику JAMD на эксклюзивной основе
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Forrester покупает JupiterResearch за 23 млн. долларов
Корпорация Forrester Research Inc. объявила о приобретении Jupiter Research LLC и ее материнской компании JUPR Holdings Inc. за 23 млн. долларов наличными, а также взяла на себя ответственность по обязательствам компании MCG Capital Corporation, которая приобрела этот бизнесP6 мартаPза 10,1 млн. долларов и объединила его с собственной компанией Kagan Research LLC.

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