Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Richard Harrington, Mark Weiser

Professional Web Video: Plan, Produce, Distribute, Promote, and Monetize Quality Video

Страниц: 306
Add professional-level video to your Web communications toolbox with a complete understanding of the process, potential and limitations of Web video. Step up from the mini-cam experience with this solid introduction to professional planning and production techniques, ensuring that your video meets the same standards you set for every other communication program element. Audio, lighting, editing, encoding, are just a few of the essentials you learn how the pros produce top notch video for the Web. The companion Web site includes planning and production templates, demo files, and blog updates to help you put it all to work for you on a daily basis. * Production management from soup to nuts in an accessible form * Full color presents lively, engaging illustrations of the professional team executing every facet of the job * Companion web site featuring planning and production templates, demo files, and blog updates

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