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Marcelo Bendahan

Carnivals of the World

Страниц: 200
As a young photographer in London having completed his post-graduate studies, Marcelo BendahA?n had the opportunity of working with the British photo agency, Performing Arts Library. They specialized in photography of music, dance, opera, and festivals. Coming to this exciting work without haven been a musician or performer meant that he brought a fresh eye and after a few years he developed an understanding of movement, rhythm, action and the possibilities all these offer us to produce beautiful photography.Wanting to explore other fields of performing arts beyond the limited space of a theatre or an auditorium, he started an exploration of the arts spectacle that is the Carnival. In 1999 he went to Venice-Italy to photograph its Carnival there. He found what he wanted: an enormous display of imagination and fantasy, combined with a strong desire of people to express their traditions, culture and passions through costume, masks, dances, and music.Each year since, he has traveled to...
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