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Corey Arnold

Fish-Work: The Bering Sea

Страниц: 80
We are pleased to announce the long-anticipated first monograph by Portland-based artist Corey Arnold. The photographs in 'Fish-Work: The Bering Sea' capture moments from Arnold's grueling retreats as a crew member aboard a fishing boat to the Bering Sea. With scenes of boat life so vivid that some shots can induce fear or seasickness, the artist's perspective also reveals the tender soulfulness of a fisherman's extended life at sea. His skillful compositions depict the simultaneous bravery, toil, humor and gumption that 'fish-work' demands. Yet the series also illuminates the aesthetic sublimity that can only be experienced, ultimately, by those willing to risk their lives where the sea breaks its back. Having survived several seasons afloat these icy and unforgiving waters, we are lucky that Arnold has taken time to document his artistic impressions of this rare lifestyle and extended us a vicarious glimpse. Corey Arnold's work has been exhibited worldwide. Recent publications...
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Города. Страны; Фотоэссе

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