Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Ken Light

Witness in Our Time, Second Edition: Working Lives of Documentary Photographers

Страниц: 280
Witness in Our Time traces the recent history of social documentary photography in the words of twenty-nine of the genre's best photographers, editors, and curators, showing how the profession remains vital, innovative, and committed to social change. The second edition includes a new section of interviews on documentary photography in the field and an exploration of the role of photojournalism in 21st-century media. Witness in Our Time provides an insider's view of a profession that continues to confront questions of art and truth while extending the definitions of both.

ЮНЕСКО приняло решение по Крыму
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Эскалация на Донбассе. Россия ответит за Сирию?
Нa фoнe эскaлaции прoтивoстoяния в Сирии нa Дoнбaссe вырoслo числo oбстрeлoв, Рoссия пeрeбрaсывaeт тexнику ближe…

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