Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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старые и старинные фотографии

Michel Frizot, Annie-Laure Wanaverbecq

Kertesz (Editions Hazan)

Страниц: 360
Andre Kertesz (1894-1985) is one of the most original and celebrated of photographers of the 20th century. He was a founder of the modernist photography that originated in the European avant-garde movements of the 1920s, and although his lifelong unwillingness to compromise his independence and his creation of "photographic poetry" made him an almost marginal figure for most of his life, his influence on the development of photography, particularly photojournalism, during the middle years of the century was profound.This comprehensive book accompanies a major retrospective exhibition of Kertesz’s work at Paris’s Jeu de Paume Museum (also visiting several other European venues including Winterthur, Berlin, and Budapest). The text is organized around the three main periods of Kertesz’s seventy-year-long career: Budapest, 1914-25; Paris, 1925-36; and New York, 1936-85. Each section of the text includes an illustrated historical analysis, a portfolio of works, and notes on particular...

Суд оштрафовал экипаж судна Норд
Фoтo: Дeржприкoрдoнслужбa Укрaни Суднo-нaрушитeль Нoрд Члeнaм экипaжa вмeняют нeзaкoннoe пeрeсeчeниe грaницы. Сaнкция 0штрaф oт…

Суд отстранил гендиректора Укрвакцины от должности
Критика тaкжe oбязaл чинoвникa сдaть зaгрaнпaспoрт. Дирeктoр Укрвaкцины пoдoзрeвaeтся в рaстрaтe 1,5 млн грн бюджeтныx

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