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Ignasi de Sola-Morales

Antoni Gaudi

Ediciones Poligrafa, 2003
Страниц: 144
Формат: 220x280
There is little dispute today that Antoni Gaudi - a member of the transitional generation between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries - was one of the finest architects of his day and age, particularly if, as well as considering the objective quality of his work, we also take into account his originality, his creative invention of new formal elements and his bold structural proposals. Nevertheless, at the time when Ignasi de Sola-Morales produced this in-depth study of Gaudi's work, Gaudi was still the subject of suspicion and doubt, despite the deep crisis within the Modern Movement. With this new edition of Sola-Morales' essay, Ediciones Poligrafa is reviving a remarkable text that was to a large extent responsible for the critical appreciation and acclaim of this visionary architect. A new series of photos taken by Rafael Vargas for this publication reveals Gaudi as he has never been seen before.
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