Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Art of the New Testament: A Book of Postcards

Pomegranate Communications, 2007
From the collections of The State Hermitage Museum in St.Petersburg, Russia, the thirty sublime paintings reproduced in this book of postcards portray the life of Christ as related in the New Testament. From Francisco de Zurbaran's tender Childhood of the Virgin through Anthony van Dyck's luminous Appearance of Christ to His Disciples, events from the Annunciation through the Resurrection and related scenes and parables are masterfully portrayed. Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens, and twenty-four other renowned painters of the fourteenth through nineteenth centuries are represented in this unparalleled selection.

Sony - Sony
Sony Pictures начала переговоры о показе фильмов на YouTube Lenta.ru10.04.09 - КомпьюлентаSony Pictures введение переговоры о показе фильмов на YouTubeLenta.ruSony Pictures и YouTube ведут переговоры о размещении для видеохостинге некоторых фильмов киностудии, пишет Bloomberg. Представит...

Samsung - Samsung s760
Win the ultimate Stamford Bridge experience for Juventus v Chelsea Mirror.co.uk24.02.09 - Mirror.co.ukWin the ultimate Stamford Bridge experience for Juventus v ChelseaMirror.co.ukT...

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