Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Mike de la Flor, Bridgette Mongeon

Digital Sculpting with Mudbox: Essential Tools and Techniques for Artists

Страниц: 288
Digital sculpting is the use of tools to push, pull, smooth, grab, pinch or otherwise manipulate a digital object as if it were made of a real-life substance such as clay. Mudbox is the premier sculpting solution for digital artists, allowing them to naturally and easily sculpt detailed, organic characters and models in a way that feels like traditional sculpting.This book guides CG professionals through the process of creating amazing digital sculptures using the Mudbox arsenal of ground-breaking digital sculpting and 3D painting tools, and porting the models into their Maya or Max work.Artists will explore tried and true, traditional sculpting techniques and learn to apply them to digital sculpting. A series of in-depth tutorials are incluced, each challenging them with progressively more complex models as they go on.Fine art sculptors transitioning from traditional sculpting to digital sculpting will benefit for unique never-before-published guidance on how to successfully...
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Цифровая фотография

Видео блог Дмитрия Медведева
Эту новость я бы скорее всего не писала на блоге о фотографии, если бы не одно “НО”… Вот первое обращение Медведева:

Берегите камеру!
Современные фотоаппараты совершенно не похожи на своих [предковk полувековой давности. Роднит их лишь одно 0Pхрупкость и уязвимость. Сохранить цифровую камеру в полной исправности достаточно легко 0Pнужно только соблюдать несложные правила.

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