Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Antonio Corcuera Aranguiz

Small City Homes

Page One, 2005
Страниц: 192
This book brings together a selection of ideas for urban dwellings which respond to the scarcity of construction space in a particularly imaginative way. From homes on miniscule and problematic plots of land to small carefully planned urban refuges, the projects included here prove that the lack of square metres actually promotes creativity, equally in respect to that of the architects as of the occupants. In these homes, the finest details are taken care of, each and every corner systematically put to good use, helping to create a feeling of spaciousness and wellbeing. Lighting is, without doubt, a fundamental factor: a simple skylight is capable of converting a miniscule basement into an oasis of light which ascends to the heavens. In the midst of hectic city life, these works, designed with the same care and attention with which an object would be designed, are a valiant attempt to improve the urban way of life. Формат: 260 мм x 255 мм.
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