Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Scott Schuman

The Sartorialist

Penguin Books Ltd., 2009
Страниц: 512
Формат: 130x185
Scott Schuman just wanted to take photographs of people on the street who looked great. His now famous blog ("the bellwether American site that turned photo blogging into an art form" was an attempt to showcase the wonderful and varied sartorial tastes of real people - not only those of the fashion industry. The book is a beautiful anthology of Scott's favourite shots from around the world. They include photographs of well-known fashion figures as well as those shots of the anonymous passerby whose imagination and taste delight the viewer. From the streets of Rio to Bejing, Stockholm to Milan, these are the people that have inspired Scott and in turn, inspired designers and people of all ages, wages and nationalities with an interest in fashion. Intimately designed and created with Scott, the book is a handsome object in its own right, in full colour on hand-picked, quality paper.

Фотографируй каждый день. От основ к ручному режиму

Фотографии салюта от наших читателей
Ежегодный фейерверк в Женеве, 9 августа 2008 года Автор - Russian_o Галерея фотографий Парад фейерверков, 2007 год Автор - monochromica День города Ярославля, 2008 год Автор - Дядя Рома Галерея фотографий Фестиваль фейерверков в Киеве. Лето 2008 года Автор - Руслан Галерея фотографий

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