Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Alastair Duncan

Tiffany Lamps and Metalware: An Illustrated Reference to Over 2000 Models

Antique Collectors' Club, 2007
Страниц: 528
This beautiful and comprehensive work illustrates a seemingly inexhaustible selection of the oil and electric light fixtures issued by the Tiffany studios: table and floor lamps, chandeliers and sconces. Also included are the other metalware items produced by the firm, including fancy goods, desk sets, miscellaneous household goods such as toiletry and smoking accessories, inkstands, candlesticks, photograph frames, book ends, tea screens, clocks, tobacco jars, humidors - the list is almost endless. "Tiffany Lamps and Metalware" is the ultimate pictorial reference work for both enthusiasts and collectors of Tiffany. There is a comprehensive index that cross references the firms original model numbers to the illustrations. Формат: 24 см x 30 см.

Pentax - Pentax optio
Новые цифрокомпакты от Pentax28.01.09 - Мобитрейд Первая фантом, Pentax Optio P70, относится к ультракомпактным цифровикам, причем корпус выполнен из метала. Характеристики этой модели никак не пошли в жертву размерам: 12-мегапикселов, широкоугольный 28-мм объектив с 4-кратным увеличением. Киноискусство ...

Pentax - Pentax k20d
Monsters of the Interstate25.01.09 - Clarksville Leaf Chronicle His first 35-mm single-lens reflex camera was a Pentax Spotmatic. In fact, he still uses some of his first lenses on his Pentax K20D. The real surprise is Pentax K2000 Review17.01.09 - Digital Camera Reviews

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