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Juergen Teller: The Master II (v. 2)

Страниц: 32
In the summer of 2005, Steidl published a modest booklet of London-based, German-born photographer Juergen Teller's work, titled The Master. This booklet offered a characteristic portrait of Teller's own world and his persona as a photographer, with a mixture of fashion and commissioned works printed alongside self-portraits, family photographs and scenes from his Bavarian childhood home. The starting point for that book was a set of portraits that Teller had made of two of his heroes, the photographers William Eggleston and Nobuyoshi Araki--hence the title. Images of celebrities featured alongside these two masters included Marilyn Manson, Kurt Cobain and Simon McBurney. Almost immediately, the book went out of print--and so a second edition of the The Master is now being printed alongside The Master III, marking the beginning of a series of booklets that will culminate in a slipcased edition of all 10 or more, at some point in the future. The Master II contains Teller's recent body...

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