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Dyranda Prevost and Natalia Dushkina

Living Places in Russia

Images Publishing Dist A/C, 1999
Страниц: 108
Формат: 250x250
In "Living Places in Russia", photographer Dyranda Prevost and architect Natalia Dushkina have conveyed life in Russia at a critical moment in history, recording twenty-two homes in both city and country. Westerners remember the Berlin Wall, and its momentous fall that followed glasnost and perestroika; this book reveals the concealed, historic changes to the walls containing ordinary Russian people since the 1917 Revolution. Documented in 1990-91, and completed in 1999, the images and voices in this book are a revelation; a "collective image" of various professions and strata living in a variety of buildings built in different periods - amongst them, famous Constructivist buildings by Ginsberg and Milinis, and Nikolaev. Natalia Dushkina's erudite essay, "The Russian Home", provides an overview from the Revolution to today, through the radical changes under Stalin, then Khrushchev. As in her previous book on Australian homes, "Living Places", "Twenty Houses",...
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