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Kongjian Yu and Mary Padua

The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture

Images Publishing Group, 2008
Страниц: 192
The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture is a remarkable compendium of important concepts. It provides a rich coverage of the major paradigms and trends that influenced the thoughts and practice of landscape architecture in China at the end of the 20th century. This book is largely the result of the efforts and enthusiasm of the landscape architects of Turenscape and the Graduate School of Landscape Architecture of Peking University, and presents a number of projects, texts, and essays by pioneering landscape architect, Kongjian Yu. Professor Yu describes modern China as having both an identity and an ecological crisis. He is determined to create an appropriately modern and suitably Chinese approach in his writings, and in his projects, addressing issues such as the sheer enormity of the scale and speed of social transformation in China, which has not been encountered in the West. The Art of Survival: Recovering Landscape Architecture is encyclopedic in...
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