Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Tan Hock Beng

Tropical Retreats: The Poetics Place

Page One, 1996
Страниц: 216
Tropical Asia is one of the culturally richest regions of the world. This lavishly photographed book is a sequel to the highly successful Tropical Architecture and Interiors (1994). It continues in its celebration, albeit selectively, of sensual qualities found in the tactile buildings of the region. The architecture of the tropics is indeed a delightful synthesis of simple materiality, consummate craftsmanship and rich moods. Many of these exclusive enclaves and private retreats, designed for an unabashedly hedonistic contemporary lifestyle, are a poetic response to the tropical climate. Others are inspired by a reverence for the unique traditions as well as the pristine environments in which they are located. The architects' appreciation of climatic and cultural determinants, as well as their awareness of working in a specific spatial and temporal environment, are strong and confident. The plethora of multi-referential architecture, with their tactile corporeality, also...
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