Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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Vincent Katz, Cy Twombly

Cy Twombly: Photographs

Schirmer/Mosel, 2002
Страниц: 120
This world premiere is an aesthetic sensation. Since his student days in the early 50s, American painter and sculptor Cy Twombly, one of the greatest artists alive today, has concerned himself with photography. In this volume, he presents his photographic work of 50 years to the public for the first time ever. Taking up 19th-century Pictorialist traditions, Twombly's photographs are, just like his paintings, drawings and sculptures, documents of a profound personal poetry. Studio shots, details of his own statuary, sculptures from his collection, romantic landscapes, flowers, and portraits of friends constitute the cosmos of his photographic oeuvre. Printed with matte colors on matte paper, a special "dryprint" process lends these images a velvety, porous, almost grainy quality. On the stage of today's art, they touch long-lost chords. Resonant of the concepts of fin de si?cle art they are, yet, thoroughly contemporary in their minimalism, creating an aesthetic vision by the commonest...

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