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Oscar Riera Ojeda

Arcadian Architecture: Bohlin Cywinski Jackson: 12 Houses

Rizzoli, 2007
Страниц: 426
Arcadian Architecture takes one into a world in which the lavish monograph guides the reader on a coast-to-coast tour that ranges from New York State to Washington State, and from the woods of Connecticut to the mountains of Montana. Whether it is a small cottage hidden in a forest or the elaborate lakeside compound of Bill and Melinda Gates, the American architectural firm of Cywinski Jackson has designed each project with an unusually rare sensitivity to its natural environment. In his introduction, Thomas Fisher notes that each of the houses "...in its own way, reminds us of what we first built in the forests and savannas from which human communities emerged....and we see what we once were, and because of that, what we might once again become." A foreword by James Cutler, an introduction by Thomas Fisher, and an essay by Peter Bohlin accompany hundreds of lavish color photographs, richly detailed conceptual sketches, presentation drawings, and construction documents to...
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