Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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James Alinder, John Szarkowski

Ansel Adams: Classic Images

Little, Brown and Company, 2007
Страниц: 112
Chosen by Adams during the last years of his life as the finest examples of the quality and range of his artistic achievement, the seventy-five photographs reproduced in "Ansel Adams: Classic Images" comprise a last-statement portfolio of his remarkable life's work. These images by which he wanted to be remembered were intended for exhibition throughout the country as "The Museum Set." "Ansel Adams: Classic Images" includes many of Adams' most famous and best-loved photographs and encompasses the entire scope of his work - elegant details of nature, architectural studies, portraits, and above all the magnificent landscapes for which he is so revered. In these epic vistas, Adams celebrated the vast spaces of the American West with a synergy of aesthetic vision and technical brilliance. The images range from his beloved Yosemite to the Pacific Coast, the Southwest, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Northwest. An authoritative biographical essay, contributed by The Friends of...

Цифровые фотоаппараты - Panasonik
Panasonic просит менеджеров покупать продукцию компании Компьюлента13.02.09 - КомпьюлентаPanasonic просит менеджеров приобретать (покупкой) продукцию компанииКомпьюлентаКорпорация Panasonic попросила десять тысяч своих японских менеджеров покупать продукцию компании, для того чтобы повлиять на ...

Цифровые фотоаппараты - Olympus c 765
Regular Meetings Calendar, updated Jan. 3030.01.09 - TCPalm Hobe Sound Civic Center, 8980 SE Olympus St., Hobe Sound, 1-3 pm first Tuesday starting Jan. 6. (772) 546-1195. American Legion Post 358: Meeting. 4350

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