Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Montse Borras, Cristina Paredes

Remodeling Country Homes

Loft Publications, 2008
Страниц: 256
The need to be in close contact with nature should be the main reason for looking for a residence outside of the city, and in most cases this is probably the case. The frantic pace of daily life is difficult to cope with and more and more people are starting to search for a tranquil place where they can rest and spend time with their family and friends. This book is an example of how in just a few years many old constructions that have been restored as recreational spaces have now become first homes. The possibility of working from home, the house prices in cities and promise of a higher quality of life make this an increasingly attractive option. So, why restore a house, which in many cases has become a ruin when it would be much simpler and more economical to demolish the existing building and start from scratch? Regulations may not allow demolition in many cases, but it is also true that, by building on top of bases from the past, the new construction will form part of this...
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