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Carolyn Burke

Lee Miller: A Life

Страниц: 448
A trenchant yet sympathetic portrait of Lee Miller, one of the iconic faces and careers of the twentieth century. Carolyn Burke reveals Miller as a multifaceted woman: both model and photographer, muse and reporter, sexual adventurer and mother, and, in later years, gourmet cook—the last of the many dramatic transformations she underwent during her lifetime. A sleek blond bombshell, Miller was part of a glamorous circle in New York and Paris in the 1920s and 1930s as a leading Vogue model, close to Edward Steichen, Charlie Chaplin, Jean Cocteau, and Pablo Picasso. Then, during World War II, she became a war correspondent—one of the first women to do so—shooting harrowing images of a devastated Europe, entering Dachau with the Allied troops, posing in Hitler’s bathtub. Burke examines Miller’s troubled personal life, from the unsettling photo sessions during which Miller, both as a child and as a young woman, posed nude for her father,...

Свадебная фотосъемка

Ролик для коллекции одежды Екатерины Шведовой в Atlantic City
model: Марина(ма: SelectDeluxe)   Наше сотрудничество с замечательным торговым центром "Atlantic City" становится все крепче и лучше. Атмосфера, интерьеры и отдел рекламы - все способствует прекрасным съемкам. Мы так расхваливали Atlan...

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