Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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Magan H. Arthur

Expanding a Digital Content Management System: for the Growing Digital Media Enterprise (NAB Executive Technology Briefings)

Страниц: 168
Building large integrated content management systems is a daunting task and there is little guidance for the implementation process for the mid-level manager. There are thousands of home grown or old standalone systems in need of upgrading and expanding to keep up with the growing challenge of digital media. This book allows the non-technical executive to understand the key concepts and issues. It covers the technical process and business aspects of expanding a system. Published in association with the National Association of Broadcasters. Practical tools and tips for planning and implementing large scale digital content management systems. A complete roadmap: This book covers a complete implementation cycle and addresses almost all aspects of an integrated content system.
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Цифровая фотография

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