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Joaquin F.D.S. Martin-Artajo, Patricia De Los Espinosa

Spanish Houses: Rustic Mediterranean Style

Rizzoli, 2007
Страниц: 216
Vivid colors, rustic simplicity, and the textural contrasts of wood, terra-cotta, and stucco are the hallmarks of the casual elegance of classic Spanish houses. The Spanish approach to residential style is a mixture of luxury and rusticity-wooden beams complement whitewashed ceilings, and worn leather furniture is set off against Moorish arches and wrought ironwork. The vibrant photos and detailed, practical text explore all the elements that become integral parts of a living space, from windows to doors, floors to ceilings, furniture to accessories and even gardens. From romantic homes in Spain's woodsy sierras to grand manors in the southern plains, many of these estates boast unusual features like hidden courtyard gardens or secluded balconies. None are ever open to the public.
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