Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

Фотография: литература книги учебники пособия
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любительская фотография / подарочные фотоальбомы /
старые и старинные фотографии

Stephane Coutelle: Insomnies

Insomnies by Stephane Coutelle is a tale of the night and those timeless moments when you are but half awake and your mind is travelling without control. Across the pages are intimate portraits of women pieced together with night landscapes, creating a confrontation, the beginning of an untold story of the women's wanderings. The pictures are shot in unspecified locations around the globe and carry a strong cinematographic dimension. We find ourselves drifting into those women's minds, dreams and fantasies which mysteriously relate to our own in a stirring echo.

Фотограф снял укус змеи и остался жив

Фотограф снял Луну и Юпитер на камеру Game Boy

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