Книги по фотографии и фотоальбомы. Профессионалам и любителям

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photographs by Jessica Todd Harper

Home Stage, The

Страниц: 112
Jessica Todd Harper's latest collection of images is aptly called The HomeStage, a double entendre that alludes to both the home bound lifestyleof families with small children as well as the idea that home is thestage on which children first learn how to live. Her nuanced treatmentof her subjects and environs, coupled with her elegant compositions,unique color palette and handling of light theatrically transforms eachroom and yard into stage sets. No detail is left untouched by her eye.Private but universal she is genuine, tender, uninhibited and at timeshumorous, bearing the emotional range of the finest actress and pullingthe strongest performances from a supporting cast that includes herhusband, her children, her sister, other family members and friends

Фотограф напечатал на 3D-принтере камеру своей мечты

Фотограф заснял акул в волне над поверхностью моря
The post Фотограф заснял акул в волне над поверхностью моря appeared first on Fototips.ru.

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