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by (photographer) Robert Dodge, foreword by Andrew Lam

Vietnam 40 Years Later

Страниц: 110
From the watery and lush farmlands of the Mekong to the lush green rice paddies of the Red River region; from the crystal clear waters and sandy beaches of the coastline to the tropical mountains of the north; from the historic corridors of Hanoi to the bustling business, fashion and media center of Ho Chi Minh City, Dodge provides a captivating cross section of a country that has shaken off its violent past and now appears to be in constant motion. To be sure, Dodge's exploration reveals a country at a crossroads with serious economic and political challenges. But whatever Vietnam ultimately does to fix its economy or confront human rights issues, Dodge has provided viewers with a new and insightful perspective on a country that is once again connected to the United States and the West economically, politically and militarily.
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Города. Страны

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